8.9 KB

  1. import random
  2. import pygame
  3. import time
  4. import math
  5. import cPickle
  6. import os.path
  7. from docopt import docopt
  8. from fparse import fparse
  9. help = """Perceptron
  10. Usage:
  11. train [--slow=<slow>] [--curve=<curve>] [--nb_points=<nb_points>] [--nb_trainings=<nb_training>] [--save_file=<save_file>]
  12. both [--slow=<slow>] [--curve=<curve>] [--nb_points=<nb_points>] [--nb_trainings=<nb_training>] [--save_file=<save_file>]
  13. exam [--slow=<slow>] [--curve=<curve>] [--nb_points=<nb_points>] [--save_file=<save_file>]
  14. Options:
  15. -h --help Display this help.
  16. --slow=<slow> Slow down the animation rate [default: 0.01].
  17. --nb_points=<nb_points> Number of point use during training session [default: 1000].
  18. --nb_trainings=<nb_trainings> Number of training before displaying final results [default: 3].
  19. --curve=<curve> Expression defining the training curve [default: x].
  20. --save_file=<save_file> Pickle file to save perceptron trainings.
  21. Try to determine if a point is upper above a curve without know this curve :)
  22. """
  23. class Perceptron(object):
  24. """
  25. The simplest neural net possible
  26. Takes 3 inputs, 2 numeric data and 1 bias
  27. And return a result following the sign of the of sum
  28. multiply by each weight input
  29. """
  30. def __init__(self, n=2, save_file=None):
  31. """
  32. Constructor initializes perceptron
  33. n = number of inputs excluding bias
  34. """
  35. # At first ways weights are initialized to random values
  36. self.weights = [round(random.uniform(-1.0, 1.0), 3) for weight in range(n + 1)]
  37. # Arbitrary chosen
  38. self.learning_control = 0.01
  39. # save_file used to dump or load perceptron state
  40. self.save_file = save_file
  41. def feeding(self, inputs):
  42. """
  43. Eats inputs and returns output
  44. inputs = a list of n values according to the number of inputs initializes
  45. return the output
  46. """
  47. processed_inputs = inputs[:]
  48. processed_inputs.append(1)
  49. inputs_sum = sum([input_value * self.weights[i] for i, input_value in enumerate(processed_inputs)])
  50. return (1, processed_inputs) if inputs_sum > 0 else (-1, processed_inputs)
  51. def train(self, inputs, desired):
  52. """
  53. For each input guess a answer and corrects all of its weights
  54. in case of error
  55. inputs = a list of n values according to the number of inputs initializes
  56. desired = an int representing th answer +1 good and -1 bad
  57. """
  58. guess, processed_inputs = self.feeding(inputs)
  59. error = desired - guess
  60. for i, weight in enumerate(self.weights):
  61. self.weights[i] += self.learning_control * error * processed_inputs[i];
  62. def exam(self, inputs, desired):
  63. """
  64. For each input guess a answer and corrects all of its weights
  65. in case of error
  66. inputs = a list of n values according to the number of inputs initializes
  67. desired = an int representing th answer +1 good and -1 bad
  68. """
  69. guess, processed_inputs = self.feeding(inputs)
  70. error = desired - guess
  71. return (inputs, 0, guess) if error != 0 else (inputs, 1, guess)
  72. def load(self):
  73. if self.save_file and os.path.isfile(self.save_file):
  74. with open(self.save_file, "rb") as fd:
  75. weights = cPickle.load(fd)
  76. self.weights = weights
  77. def save(self):
  78. if self.save_file:
  79. with open(self.save_file, "wb") as fd:
  80. cPickle.dump(self.weights, fd)
  81. def __repr__(self):
  82. val = "Weights: "
  83. for i, weight in enumerate(self.weights):
  84. val += " %s:%s"%(i, weight)
  85. val += " c=%s" % (self.learning_control)
  86. return val
  87. class World:
  88. """
  89. Create a 2D environment to visualize Perceptron behaviors
  90. """
  91. def __init__(self, nb_points=10, dim=(800, 600), slower=0.1, training_function="100*sin(0.01*x)"):
  92. self.nb_points = int(nb_points)
  93. self.dim = dim
  94. self.points = []
  95. self.displayed_points = []
  96. self.previous_index = 0
  97. self.slower = float(slower)
  98. self.previous_time = time.time()
  99. self.training_function = fparse(training_function)
  100. pygame.init()
  101. def add_result(self, result):
  102. """
  103. Append a computed result to display
  104. """
  105. self.points.append(result)
  106. def shifting_point(self, point):
  107. return [point[0] + self.dim[0] / 2, -(point[1] - self.dim[1] / 2)]
  108. def slow_down(self, delta=0.1):
  109. """
  110. Append a point to the dispaying each delta second
  111. """
  112. # No more point can be displayed
  113. if self.previous_index == len(self.points):
  114. return
  115. current_time = time.time()
  116. currentDelta = current_time - self.previous_time
  117. if currentDelta > delta:
  118. self.previous_time = current_time
  119. self.displayed_points.append(self.points[self.previous_index])
  120. self.previous_index += 1
  121. def check_accurency(self):
  122. return round(100 * sum([point[1] for point in self.displayed_points]) / float(len(self.displayed_points)), 2)
  123. def final_accurency(self):
  124. return round(100 * sum([point[1] for point in self.points]) / float(len(self.points)), 2)
  125. def run(self):
  126. """
  127. Run the world
  128. """
  129. self.screen = pygame.display.set_mode(self.dim)
  130. BLACK = (0, 0, 0)
  131. WHITE = (255, 255, 255)
  132. BLUE = (0, 0, 255)
  133. RED = (255, 0, 0)
  134. ORANGE = (237, 195, 49)
  135. GREEN = (0, 255, 0)
  136. GREY = (212, 210, 210)
  137. font = pygame.font.Font(None, 36)
  138. final_accurency = self.final_accurency()
  139. final_accurency_text = font.render("Final Accuracy: {0} %".format(final_accurency), 1, RED)
  140. end = font.render("END".format(final_accurency), 1, ORANGE)
  141. w, h = self.shifting_point(self.dim)
  142. line = [self.shifting_point([int(x), int(self.training_function(x=x))]) for x in range(-w / 2, w / 2)]
  143. # display loop
  144. run = True
  145. while run:
  146. self.screen.fill(WHITE)
  147. for event in pygame.event.get():
  148. if event.type == pygame.QUIT:
  149. run = False
  150. # draw line
  151. pygame.draw.lines(self.screen, BLACK, False, line, 1)
  152. # slow down animation
  153. self.slow_down(self.slower)
  154. # write accurency
  155. accurency = self.check_accurency()
  156. accurency_text = font.render("Accuracy: {0} %".format(accurency), 1, BLACK)
  157. # write number of points already displayed
  158. points_text = font.render("Points: {0}/{1} ".format(len(self.displayed_points), len(self.points)), 1, BLACK)
  159. # display all points
  160. for point in self.displayed_points:
  161. coord, status, guess = point
  162. if guess > 0:
  163., BLUE, self.shifting_point(coord), 5, status)
  164. else:
  165., GREEN, self.shifting_point(coord), 5, status)
  166. frame = pygame.Surface((350, 170))
  167. frame.set_alpha(200)
  168. frame.fill(GREY)
  169. self.screen.blit(frame, (0, 0))
  170. self.screen.blit(final_accurency_text, (20, 20))
  171. self.screen.blit(accurency_text, (20, 60))
  172. self.screen.blit(points_text, (20, 100))
  173. if len(self.displayed_points) == len(self.points):
  174. self.screen.blit(end, (20, 140))
  175. pygame.display.flip()
  176. def generate_world(self):
  177. """
  178. Creates a 2D Cloud points world following dim
  179. return the world with the correct answer for each point
  180. """
  181. points = []
  182. for point in range(self.nb_points):
  183. point = [random.randrange(-self.dim[0] / 2, self.dim[0] / 2),
  184. random.randrange(-self.dim[1] / 2, self.dim[1] / 2)]
  185. good = 1 if self.training_function(x=point[0]) > point[1] else -1
  186. points.append((point, good))
  187. return points
  188. if __name__ == "__main__":
  189. arguments = docopt(help)
  190. p = Perceptron(2, save_file=arguments["--save_file"])
  191. world = World(nb_points=arguments["--nb_points"], slower=arguments["--slow"],
  192. training_function=arguments["--curve"])
  193. values = world.generate_world()
  194. if arguments["train"] or arguments["both"]:
  195. p.load()
  196. print "training in progress..."
  197. for training in range(int(arguments["--nb_trainings"]) - 1):
  198. for point in values:
  199. p.train(*point)
  201. print "End of training"
  202. if arguments["exam"] or arguments["both"]:
  203. p.load()
  204. for i,point in enumerate(values):
  205. result = p.exam(*point)
  206. world.add_result(result)