Express & ES6 REST API Boilerplate ================================== This is a straightforward boilerplate for building REST APIs with ES6 and Express. - ES6 support via [babel]( - REST resources as middleware via [resource-router-middleware]( - CORS support via [cors]( - Body Parsing via [body-parser]( > Tip: If you are using [Mongoose](, you can automatically expose your Models as REST resources using [restful-mongoose]( Sponsor Getting Started --------------- ```sh # clone it git clone cd express-es6-rest-api # Make it your own rm -rf .git && git init && npm init # Install dependencies npm install # Start development live-reload server PORT=8080 npm run dev # Start production server: PORT=8080 npm start ``` Docker Support ------ ```sh cd express-es6-rest-api # Build your docker docker build -t es6/api-service . # ^ ^ ^ # tag tag name Dockerfile location # run your docker docker run -p 8080:8080 es6/api-service # ^ ^ # bind the port container tag # to your host # machine port ``` Docker Demo ------------------------- It's supposed to be pretty easy to take your Docker to your favourite cloud service, here's a demo of what's our Dockerized bolierplate is like: []( License ------- MIT