--- layout: default permalink: /adapter/zip-archive/ title: ZipArchive Adapter --- # ZipArchive Adapter ## Installation ~~~ bash composer require league/flysystem-ziparchive ~~~ ## Usage ~~~ php use League\Flysystem\Filesystem; use League\Flysystem\ZipArchive\ZipArchiveAdapter; $filesystem = new Filesystem(new ZipArchiveAdapter(__DIR__.'/path/to/archive.zip')); ~~~ ### Force Save When creating a new zip file it will only be saved at the end of the PHP request because the ZipArchive library relies on an internal `__destruct` method to be called. You can force the saving of the zip file before the end of the request by calling the `close` method on the archive through the adapter. ~~~ php $filesystem->getAdapter()->getArchive()->close(); ~~~