Yannick Guern 8738825c77 update2 7 anos atrás
src 8738825c77 update2 7 anos atrás
.editorconfig c253e5bef2 initial commit 7 anos atrás
.gitignore 273f5e4289 refresh button 7 anos atrás
README.adoc c253e5bef2 initial commit 7 anos atrás
gulpfile.js c253e5bef2 initial commit 7 anos atrás
package-lock.json c253e5bef2 initial commit 7 anos atrás
package.json 6110044161 add a root gitignore 7 anos atrás
yarn.lock 6110044161 add a root gitignore 7 anos atrás


= API Temps Réel
:uri-bespoke: http://markdalgleish.com/projects/bespoke.js
:uri-bundler: http://bundler.io
:uri-generator-bespoke: https://github.com/bespokejs/generator-bespoke
:uri-gulp: https://gulpjs.com
:uri-node: https://nodejs.org
:uri-nvm: https://github.com/creationix/nvm
:uri-ruby: https://www.ruby-lang.org
:uri-rvm: http://rvm.io

A {uri-bespoke}[Bespoke.js] presentation generated by {uri-generator-bespoke}[generator-bespoke].

== View slides locally

First, ensure you have the following installed:

. {uri-node}[Node.js] >= 4.2 footnote:[We strongly recommend using {uri-nvm}[nvm] to manage Node.]
. {uri-gulp}[Gulp] (command line interface only)

$ npm install -g gulp-cli

Next, install dependencies (if you ran the generator with the `--skip-install` switch):

$ npm install

Finally, build and serve the presentation!

$ gulp serve

You can view the presentation in your browser at the URL displayed in the console.

By default, the preview server runs on port 8080.
To change this default, you can assign a different number to the PORT environment variable:

$ PORT=8888 gulp serve

To build the presentation without starting the preview server, use:

$ gulp

In both cases, the files are built into the [.path]_dist_ directory.
You can view the slides outside of the local preview server by navigating to [.path]_dist/index.html_ in your browser.

== Publish to GitHub Pages

The Gulp build includes a task to publish your presentation to GitHub Pages.

First, make sure you have initialized the project as a git repository and linked it to a GitHub project.
The task assumes that the git remote named `origin` points to the repository on GitHub.

Now you can build the presentation and publish it to GitHub Pages using:

$ gulp publish

The files in the [.path]_dist_ directory end up in the `gh-pages` branch in the repository on GitHub.
From there, they can be viewed in a browser from anywhere on the web.